with Litany of the Holy Heart of Joseph
The indulgences that two illustrious prelates (the Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo and the Bishop of Valladolid) have granted to the faithful of their dioceses, who would perform a Novena in honour of St. Teresa, prove the esteem which they had for this devotion. But however useful it may be, those who wish not to enter into the ways of prayer will not derive so much benefit from it. To obtain the protection of this great saint we must enter into her spirit; and her spirit was that of a very intimate union with God, by means of prayer. St. Teresa was a soul favoured with the most extraordinary graces, and endowed with a most elevated spirit. Those who will perform the novena cannot pretend to resemble her perfectly; but without prayer they will have no trait of resemblance with her. To the prayers for each day is added a reflection or meditation, relative to the principal virtues of this great saint, that we may know them the better, and imitate them more easily.
Those who have devotion to St. Teresa will not wait for the day of her feast, or any other season of the year, to testify to her their piety and confidence; they can offer this novena when they please, or when they are in any affliction of mind or body.--page 8
Those who have devotion to St. Teresa will not wait for the day of her feast, or any other season of the year, to testify to her their piety and confidence; they can offer this novena when they please, or when they are in any affliction of mind or body.--page 8
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"Novena in Honour of St. Teresa of Jesus"